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News & Notices


April 14, 2022
The Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) offers a great opportunity for job seekers who want to help protect people, communities, and the environment around
April 12, 2022
April has been declared Global Citizen Science Month, and April 16 earned the designation as National Citizen Science Day. That makes this a great time to
March 2, 2022
The following applications for approval of construction or modification of an air pollution source have been received by ORCAA. A formal public comment period will
January 22, 2022
This week, our Western Washington weather turned cold, with mostly clear skies and little wind to clear the air. Cold nights and foggy mornings tend
January 14, 2022
Protect Clean Air during clean-up Following weeks of powerful storms, our region faces the daunting task of cleaning up. As residents strive to restore order
January 6, 2022
Practice safe, legal debris removal Our region has taken multiple weather hits this winter, with snow and freezing temperatures, followed by heavy rains and wind.
January 5, 2022
The heavy snow and freezing temperatures that hit our region over the past few weeks has created multiple challenges for individuals and communities, including waste
December 29, 2021
You can breathe easy while staying warm this season. As the overnight temperatures drop, the need for a blast of heat hits residents as they
December 27, 2021
Despite the snow, ice, and freezing temperatures, ORCAA staff continues their work this week, though some tasks may be delayed. Most ORCAA staff has the
December 25, 2021
Avoid dangerous – and illegal – practice of burning holiday waste The holidays bring joy and happiness as families and friends gather together to celebrate the season.

Hearings & Notices

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Posted: July 25, 2023

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Posted: July 25, 2023

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Posted: July 12, 2023

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Media Contact

Dan Nelson
Communications Manager

360-539-7610 x111