Public Comment open on Dept. of Enterprise Services Capitol Campus’ Voluntary Limit on Emissions

The Washington State Capitol Campus relies on several boilers for heat and diesel-fired engines for emergency power at the Washington State Capitol Campus (Capitol Campus) in Olympia, Washington. Washington State Department of Enterprise Services (DES) is requesting a voluntary limit on oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions from these boilers and emergency engines to establish the Capitol Campus as a minor source with respect to the Washington State Operating Permit Regulation in Chapter 173-401 WAC.

ORCAA reviewed DES’s request and concludes that compliance with applicable air regulations and standards will likely be maintained. On this basis, ORCAA recommends that DES’s request to establish a voluntary limit on NOx emissions be conditionally approved.


Pursuant to ORCAA Rule 6.1.3(b)(2) notice is hereby given of ORCAA’s Preliminary Recommendation to approve DES’s Synthetic Minor Order application as described above.


Copies of ORCAA’s Preliminary Recommendation is available at the links below. If you need assistance, please contact our office at (360) 539-7610.

DES Application | Preliminary Determination | Public Notice


Comments on this case may be submitted to ORCAA in writing by 4:30 p.m. on August 18, 2020. Comments may be mailed to ORCAA at the address above or emailed to Comments that may be considered by ORCAA in making a final determination are those pertaining to air quality implications of the proposed project.

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