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Notices & Hearings

Posted: May 31, 2024

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Description: Applying to create a spray coating operation controlled by a spray booth.
Posted: May 14, 2024

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Description: Applying for a General Rock Crusher Approval Order for rock crushing at multiple sites.
Posted: May 13, 2024

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Description: Application to establish a furniture spray coating operation controlled by a spray booth.
Posted: May 6, 2024

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Description: A public hearing regarding the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency’s (ORCAA) Draft Fiscal Year 2025 Budget will take place during the regularly scheduled June
Posted: April 15, 2024
Description: Ag Processing, Inc. (AGP) seeks approval from Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) to establish a transload facility and associated equipment at E Terminal
Posted: April 1, 2024

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Description: Weyerhaeuser NR Company Raymond Lumbermill (Weyerhaeuser) seeks approval from Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) to install a direct-fired continuous dry kiln (CDK) rated
Posted: March 11, 2024

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Description: The applicant requests approval to process recycled asphalt product (RAP) at their existing asphalt plant.
Posted: March 5, 2024

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Description: Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) is proposing changes to their regulations, Rule 4.1(b), to allow gasoline dispensing facilities, with a throughput less than 50,000
Posted: February 28, 2024

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Description: Applicant requests after-the-fact approval to establish a metal coating operation at their metal fabrication facility.
Posted: February 26, 2024

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Description: Proposal to install and operate a 500 KW emergency generator to support the latest addition to the campus. Expected emissions increases include NOx, CO, PM,

Recently Approved Notices

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Description: Remove Stage II vapor recovery equipment.

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Description: The facility plans to install a 685 horsepower emergency engine. The expected increase in emissions include: NOx, PM, SO2,VOC, CO, and TAP/HAP.

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Description: Establish a spray coating operation to coat aluminum hulls. Emissions will be controlled by two spray booths previously permitted with ORCAA.