Notice of Construction – Forks Community Hospital

notice-commenting period graphic

The following applications for approval of construction or modification of an air pollution source have been received by ORCAA. A formal public comment period will be provided if requested by any person, government agency, group, or applicant.


Replacement of (2) 4-Mbtu/hr diesel-fired boilers. Emissions are not expected to increase but include NOx, CO, PM, SO2, HAP, and TAP.

  • Notice Type: Notice of Construction (NOC)
  • Posted: October 14, 2022
  • Name of Business: Forks Community Hospital
  • Address: 530 Bogachiel Way, Forks, WA
  • Notice #: 22NOC1577
  • Application as Received: 22NOC1577
  • Permit: Final Determination
  • Status: Open For Comment
  • Date Finalized: April 7, 2023

How to submit your comments:

To express interest in an application, submit your comments in writing by the deadline listed below. Please be sure to list the Notice # of the application you are commenting on.

  • Deadline: October 29, 2022
  • Notice #: 22NOC1577
  • Fax: (360) 491-6308
  • Mail: ORCAA, 2940 Limited Lane NW, Olympia, WA 98502

What are Notice of Construction Permits?

Notice of Construction (NOC) permits are required prior to the construction, installation, replacement, or modification of any air pollutant sources, emissions units, or air pollution control equipment. Once approved and issued by ORCAA, the NOC allows not only the ‘construction’ but also the ongoing operation of that source or emissions unit. The NOC is in force until the source or emissions unit is modified or replaced, at which time a new NOC permit is required. Learn more about the NOC program.

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