ORCAA issues Preliminary Recommendation on Crown Cork & Seal permit revision

Crown Cork & Seal (Crown) submitted an application requesting to modify Condition 3(d) of the Order of Approval for NOC# 19NOC1336 to allow the use of overvarnish containing up to 7.4% by weight of 2-butoxyethanol.

ORCAA has reviewed Crown’s request and concludes it meets the criteria under ORCAA Rule 6.1.11 that allows for changes to Approval Order conditions and compliance with applicable air regulations and standards will likely be maintained. On this basis, ORCAA recommends the request be approved.

Pursuant to ORCAA Rule 6.1.3(b), notice is hereby given of ORCAA’s Preliminary Recommendation to approve Crown’s application as described above.

Copies of ORCAA’s Preliminary Recommendation  as well as the NOR application are linked below.

Preliminary Determination | Notice of Revision (NOR) Application | Public Notice

Comments on this case may be submitted to ORCAA in writing by 4:30 p.m. on November 10, 2020. Comments may be mailed to ORCAA at the address above or emailed to jennifer.demay@orcaa.org. Comments that may be considered by ORCAA in making a final determination are those pertaining to air quality implications of the proposed project.

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